All Cultists, all Reborns, and Dark Rosh except staff wielders are affected. Replaces all generic enemy sabers in Singleplayer with crossguard sabers, saber pikes, and backhand sabers. ZzzzzzzzzzzConvertedSabersExp-enemysaberreplaced-MIX-CrossPikeBack.pk3 - Optional. Same as above, except with hinged sabers. ZzzzzzzzzzzConvertedSabersExp-enemysaberreplaced-hinged.pk3 - Optional. ZzzzzzzzzzzConvertedSabersExp-enemysaberreplaced-pike.pk3 - Optional. Same as above, except with backhand sabers. ZzzzzzzzzzzConvertedSabersExp-enemysaberreplaced-backhand.pk3 - Optional. Single saber-wielding New Reborns, dual-wielding Reborn Masters, and Dark Rosh are affected and will use these. Replaces some enemy sabers in Singleplayer with crossguard sabers. ZzzzzzzzzzzConvertedSabersExp-enemysaberreplaced-cross.pk3 - Optional. Contains custom NPCs that you can spawn with cheats: reborn_cross = Reborn with crossguard saber reborn_back = Reborn with backhand saber reborn_pike = Reborn with saber pike reborn_hinge = Reborn with hinged saber. ZzzConvertedSabersExp-customNPCs.pk3 - Optional. Weapon models, saber files, sounds, and saber names for menus.
#Star wars jedi knight jedi academy lightsaber color mods mod#
ZzzConvertedSabersExpansion-j.pk3 - Contains everything needed for the mod to work.

Hinge_2 - Made from Guardian (dual_1) and Sentinel (single_6) Hinge_1 - Made from Praetor (single_5) and Sentinel (single_6)

Pike_3 - Made from Adjudicator (single_7)

Now that cheats are enabled, type "saber (name)", replacing (name) with any of the saber names listed below.Ĭross_1 - Made from Adjudicator (single_7)Ĭross_3 - Made from Avenger (dual_2) and Champion (dual_4) Enable cheats by pressing Shift and ~, then typing "helpusobi 1" into the console. You can also change sabers in-game using cheats. This also adds 4 new Reborn bots that use these sabers. A simple mod that adds 5 crossguard sabers, 5 backhand sabers, 4 saber pikes, and 4 hinged lightsabers, using parts from saber hilts that were already in the game, hence "Converted Sabers." Usable in both singleplayer and multiplayer.