Sony transistor radio 1960s
Sony transistor radio 1960s

sony transistor radio 1960s


Please take a few minutes to review and update your ebay profile shipping address to ensure your package is delivered to the correct address.PayPal within 48 hours of purchase.Finders Pickers treasures are brought to you from local outlets, clearance sales, estate sales, yard sales, charity auctions, and thrift stores. No radios or tvs offered in this listing.By Sony Corporation of America, 514 Broadway, New York 12, NYColor paper brochure with pictures of.Sony TFM-121A FM/AM 12 Transistor Portable Sony TFM-122 FM/AM 12 Transistor Table Model Sony TFM-95 FM/AM Transistor Portable Sony TR-812 3-Band All-Transistor Portable With Tuning/Battery Meter & Tone Control Sony TR-814 3-Band 8-Transistor Portable Sony TR-7120 7-Transistor Portable Sony TR-717Y 2-Band 7-Transistor Portable AM and Short Wave Sony TR-510 All-Transistor Portable Sony TR-630 6-Transistor Pocketable With Tone Control Sony TR-609 Super-Six Transistor, Power Poratable Sony TR-620 6-Transistor Pocketable Sony TR-730 Unbelievably Small 7-Transistor Radio Sony TRW-621 Watch Radio Sensational Automatic Sony TR-624 Fingertip Control Table Radio Sony TR-84 8-Transistor Super Sensitive Portable Sony TD-81A All-Transistor Portable Direction Finder Sony 8-301W - World's lightest, all-transistorized, direct-view, truly portable TV Finders Pickers does not ship outside the United States.

sony transistor radio 1960s

A great display for those who love vintage advertising print.This listing is for a Sony brochure ONLY. Thank you for shopping Finders Pickers!Sony Research Makes The Difference.the World's Finest Quality All Transistor Radios and Television BrochureVintage 1950s/1960s Sony sales brochure advertising all-transistor radios and television.

Sony transistor radio 1960s