Preschool home visits
Preschool home visits

Parents received coaching to enhance parent-child relationships and home learning materials to support child development and school readiness. INTERVENTIONS REDI-P visits followed a well-specified curriculum, with 10 home visits during preschool and 6 booster visits in kindergarten. The analyses were conducted in 2016 to 2017. The follow-up data used were collected in spring 2013 and spring 2014. Families were recruited in fall 2008 and fall 2009. Four-year-old children from 200 low-income families participated. Families were recruited from 24 Head Start centers in 3 Pennsylvania counties serving rural and urban areas.

preschool home visits preschool home visits

Follow-up assessments occurred in third grade. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS In a randomized clinical trial, individual families with preschool children were assigned to receive the Research-Based and Developmentally Informed-Parent home visiting program (REDI-P) (intervention group) or math home learning games in the mail (control group). OBJECTIVES To examine the sustained effects of a preschool home visiting program on child and family competencies and on child need for services 4 years later. IMPORTANCE Home visiting programs targeting the school readiness of preschool children (age range, 4-5 years) show promise in short-term and quasi-experimental studies but rarely are evaluated with rigorous designs and follow-up assessments.

Preschool home visits